Francesco de Giovanni - Marco Trombetti
The aim of the Group Theory Impact Factor is to provide a solid way to recognize which journals have a central role in group theory. The index is calculated on a time span of 10 years (e.g. the 2023 issue is based upon data coming from the time span 2012-2021), it essentially depends on how many citations per group-theory-paper the journal has (of course the weight of the citation depends on the year the paper is published) and also (to a small extend) on how many group-theory-papers the journal publish each year. A group-theory-paper is just a paper whose MSC Classification Codes concern group theory (e.g. 20Exx, 20Fyy, ...).
How to read the table
On the left side you have the score and on the right side there is the journal's title. The colors from top to bottom identify the quartiles, so for instance a journal which is light blue is in the first quartile
Current issue
Past issues
2023, 2024
0 | 9.22521 | Advances in Mathematics |
+1 | 9.15839 | Transactions of the American Mathematical Society |
-1 | 9.08668 | Annals of Mathematics |
0 | 8.8269 | Groups, Geometry, and Dynamics |
0 | 8.67412 | Journal of Algebra |
0 | 8.55661 | Israel Journal of Mathematics |
0 | 8.51554 | International Mathematics Research Notices. IMRN |
+1 | 8.50591 | Algebraic and Geometric Topology |
+4 | 8.30661 | Communications in Algebra |
+2 | 8.30289 | Mathematische Zeitschrift |
+4 | 8.14772 | International Journal of Algebra and Computation |
+4 | 8.10127 | Archiv der Mathematik |
+4 | 8.03296 | Geometry and Topology |
+12 | 7.99404 | Duke Mathematical Journal |
-4 | 7.82843 | Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society |
+2 | 7.76665 | Geometriae Dedicata |
+3 | 7.71509 | Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society |
-10 | 7.70265 | Journal of Group Theory |
-9 | 7.57729 | Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra |
-6 | 7.47679 | Journal of Algebra and its Applications |
+4 | 7.41334 | Algebras and Representation Theory |
+2 | 7.33957 | Siberian Mathematical Journal [Sibirskii Matematicheskii Zhurnal] |
0 | 7.24588 | Monatshefte für Mathematik |
-3 | 7.17436 | International Journal of Group Theory |
-3 | 7.07447 | Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik |
+1 | 6.92526 | Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society |
+2 | 6.9053 | Inventiones Mathematicae |
0 | 6.80577 | Pacific Journal of Mathematics |
+1 | 6.77055 | Journal of Topology |
+4 | 6.64845 | Université de Grenoble. Annales de l'Institut Fourier |
-12 | 6.50894 | Journal of the London Mathematical Society |
+1 | 5.86437 | Transformation Groups |
-2 | 5.82326 | Mathematische Annalen |
+2 | 5.47528 | Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society |
+5 | 5.29416 | Forum Mathematicum |
-4 | 4.96274 | Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics |
+2 | 4.95064 | Compositio Mathematica |
-3 | 4.94811 | Algebra i Logika |
+2 | 4.59347 | Trudy Instituta Matematiki i Mekhaniki UrO RAN |
-3 | 4.56292 | Algebra Colloquium |
-3 | 4.4287 | Rossiiskaya Academiya Nauk. Sanct-Peterburgskoe Otdelenie. Matematicheskii Institut im.V.A. Sketlova (POMI) |
+3 | 4.34425 | Mathematical Notes [Matematicheskie Zametki] |
-1 | 4.03604 | Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society |
+8 | 3.92851 | Forum of Mathematics, Sigma |
+2 | 3.83736 | Sibirskie Elektronnye Mathematiceskie Izvestiya. Siberian Electronic Mathematical Reports |
+10 | 3.68279 | Algebraic Combinatorics |
-4 | 3.60591 | Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society |
+2 | 3.58525 | Geometric and Functional Analysis |
+5 | 3.45068 | Topology and its Applications |
-1 | 3.42783 | American Journal of Mathematics |
+2 | 3.34293 | Glasgow Mathematical Journal |
-4 | 3.29769 | Journal of the American Mathematical Society |
-2 | 3.2926 | Advances in Group Theory and Applications |
+4 | 3.16248 | Quarterly Journal of Mathematics |
+12 | 3.15325 | Journal of Functional Analysis |
-10 | 3.06523 | Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici |
0 | 2.96332 | Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico dell 'Universita' di Padova |
-14 | 2.84043 | Annales Scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure |
0 | 2.79152 | Algebra and Discrete Mathematics |
-5 | 2.77945 | Journal of Topology and Analysis |
+12 | 2.64476 | Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Section A: Mathematics |
+53 | 2.57832 | Fundamental'naya i Prikladnaya Matematika |
0 | 2.56968 | Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal |
+7 | 2.49878 | Canadian Mathematical Bulletin |
+20 | 2.49304 | Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata |
+8 | 2.49209 | Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics |
-3 | 2.35026 | Canadian Journal of Mathematics |
-8 | 2.3308 | Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society |
+14 | 2.26555 | Quantum Topology |
-4 | 2.26191 | Problemy Fiziki, Matematiki i Tekhniki |
-9 | 2.1238 | Journal of the Institute of Mathematics of Jussieu |
0 | 2.08635 | Ukrainian Mathematical Journal [Ukrains'kii Matematichnii Zhurnal] |
+14 | 2.08437 | Forum of Mathematics, Pi |
+5 | 2.02224 | Publicationes Mathematicae Debrecen |
+7 | 1.97716 | Electronic Journal of Combinatorics |
+5 | 1.94608 | New York Journal of Mathematics |
+21 | 1.94577 | European Journal of Mathematics |
-17 | 1.93499 | Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society |
-3 | 1.90107 | Journal of Lie Theory |
+4 | 1.87526 | Asian-European Journal of Mathematics |
-6 | 1.85779 | Revista Matematica Iberoamericana |
-12 | 1.84763 | Linear Algebra and Its Applications |
+13 | 1.82165 | Annales Henri Lebesgue |
+16 | 1.81796 | Mathematische Nachrichten |
+1 | 1.77531 | Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France |
-6 | 1.76134 | Michigan Mathematical Journal |
+20 | 1.75969 | Publicacions Matemàtiques |
+5 | 1.73898 | Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences: Mathematical Sciencesopen access |
-20 | 1.7376 | Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications |
+13 | 1.69448 | Experimental Mathematics |
-23 | 1.69443 | Journal of Combinatorial Algebra |
+3 | 1.64015 | Acta Mathematica Hungarica |
-4 | 1.63272 | Algebra i Analiz |
-17 | 1.62367 | Ricerche di Matematica |
+13 | 1.62262 | Bulletin of Mathematical Sciences |
-5 | 1.62134 | Mathematical Research Letters |
-19 | 1.60118 | Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics |
+13 | 1.59025 | Results in Mathematics |
-34 | 1.58548 | L'Enseignement Mathématique |
-8 | 1.49373 | Annales Mathématiques Blaise Pascal |
-7 | 1.48628 | Mathematics of Computation |
+8 | 1.48614 | European Journal of Combinatorics |
-15 | 1.46893 | Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society |
+17 | 1.41347 | Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Fisicas y Naturales. Serie A. Matemáticas. RACSAM |
+7 | 1.37171 | Quaestiones Mathematicae |
-9 | 1.35933 | Beiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie. Contributions to Algebra and Geometry |
-8 | 1.3578 | Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan |
-6 | 1.32112 | Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics |
-8 | 1.2775 | Seminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire |
-4 | 1.27112 | Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications (SIGMA) |
-6 | 1.2301 | Chebyshevskii Sbornik |
+41 | 1.22445 | Innovations in Incidence Geometry |
-4 | 1.21155 | The Australasian Journal of Combinatorics |
+51 | 1.19108 | Annales Academiæ Scientiarum Fennicæ Mathematica |
+51 | 1.18982 | Communications in Contemporary Mathematics |
-12 | 1.15777 | Discrete Mathematics |
+3 | 1.14853 | Tunisian Journal of Mathematics |
-4 | 1.0936 | Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics |
-29 | 1.07645 | Note di Matematica |
-4 | 0.96721 | Matematicheskii Sbornik |
+2 | 0.94881 | Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems |
+9 | 0.94841 | Linear and Multilinear Algebra |
-5 | 0.92235 | Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society - Simon Stevin |
-5 | 0.91302 | Open Mathematics |
-12 | 0.87135 | Colloquium Mathematicum |
-4 | 0.8138 | Topological Algebra and its Applications |
-3 | 0.79203 | Izvestiya Rossiiskoi Akademii Nauk. Seriya Matematicheskaya |
-3 | 0.78193 | Conformal Geometry and Dynamics |
+1 | 0.77037 | Involve |
-3 | 0.75452 | Advances in Geometry |
+6 | 0.7287 | Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo |
-6 | 0.72812 | Studia Scientiarum Mathematicarum Hungarica |
-16 | 0.70442 | Mathematics in Computer Science |
+11 | 0.67853 | Afrika Matematika |
-1 | 0.6722 | Topology Proceedings |
-1 | 0.67143 | Peking Mathematical Journal |
+5 | 0.65754 | Annales de la Faculté de Sciences de Toulouse. Mathématiques |
-2 | 0.65469 | Filomat |
-11 | 0.65154 | Russian Mathematical Surveys [Uspekhi Matematicheskikh Nauk] |
-2 | 0.64642 | Glasnik Matematicki |
-8 | 0.64239 | Journal de l'Ecole Polytechnique - Mathematiques |
-3 | 0.63358 | Izvestiya Irkutskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta. Seriya Matematika |
-14 | 0.63176 | Confluentes Mathematici |
+16 | 0.6032 | Bulletin Mathématique de la Société des Sciences Mathématiques de Roumanie |
-5 | 0.60202 | Zhurnal Sibirskogo Federal'nogo Universiteta. Matematika i Fizika |
0 | 0.60066 | Acta Mathematica Vietnamica |
-6 | 0.59529 | Functional Analysis and its Applications [Funktional'nyi Analiz I ego Prilozheniya] |
0 | 0.57283 | Kyoto Journal of Mathematics |
-17 | 0.56479 | Dopovidi Natsional'noi Akademii Nauk Ukraini. Matematika |
-7 | 0.56263 | Bolletino dell Unione Matematica Italiana |
+1 | 0.56199 | Groups, Complexity, Cryptology |
-2 | 0.55079 | Boletin de la Sociedad Matematica Mexicana |
-6 | 0.54835 | Palestine Journal of Mathematics |
-10 | 0.54329 | Discrete Mathematics and Applications [Diskretnaya Matematika] |
0 | 0.52036 | Natsional'naya Akademiya Nauk Armenii. Izvestiya. Matematika |
-5 | 0.50884 | European Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics |
-3 | 0.50113 | International Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science |
-9 | 0.49584 | Graphs and Combinatorics |
-2 | 0.49258 | Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae |
-4 | 0.48472 | Iranian Journal of Mathematical Sciences and Informatics |
-3 | 0.47895 | Houston Journal of Mathematics |
-3 | 0.47037 | Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra |
-2 | 0.46564 | Arabian Journal of Mathematics |
-2 | 0.45942 | Jordan Journal of Mathematics and Statistics |
-2 | 0.4546 | Buletinul Academiei de Ştiinţe a Republicii Moldova Matematica |
-2 | 0.45418 | Communications. Faculty of Sciences. University of Ankara. Series A1. Mathematics and Statistics |
0 | 0.44761 | APPS: Applied Sciences |
0 | 0.44446 | European Mathematical Society. Newsletter |
+1 | 0.43843 | Journal of Zhejiang University. Science Edition |
+1 | 0.43839 | Communications in Mathematical Analysis |
+1 | 0.43766 | Kobe Journal of Mathematics |
+1 | 0.43766 | Moscow Journal of Combinatorics and Number Theory |
-4 | 0.43766 | Rendiconti di Matematica e delle sue Applicazioni |