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> Conferences
Advances in Group Theory and Applications 2016 - The School (Vietri sul Mare, 2016)
Aspetti dell'Algebra Moderna nel Bicentenario della nascita di Évariste Galois (Napoli, 2011)
Fifth International Group Theory Conference (Mashhad, 2013)
Groups in Galway 2015 (Galway, 2015)
Infinite Groups 1994 (Ravello, 1994)
International Conference on Algebra and Related Topics (Guangzhou, 2009)
International Conference in Groups and Group Rings (Gliwice, 1994)
Ischia Group Theory (Ischia, 2014)
Ischia Group Theory (Ischia, 2016)
Ischia Group Theory (Ischia, 2016)
Mathematical Society Jena: visitors' conference at Abbeanum (Jena, October, 26th - 28th 1930)
Profinite and asymptotic group theory (Levico Terme, 2007)
Zassenhaus Group Theory Conference (Binghamton, 2015)